Pixie Chat Hangout


Hi, Pixies!

The awesomely brilliant Joy Twinklebell recently created a group chat on Google Hangouts so pixie pals can chat together anytime their schedules allow! 🙂



The hangout was initially created just for the 2nd anniversary of Pixie Hollow’s closure, but it’s become so popular that Joy has decided to keep it open and allow other pixies to join in on the fun!!! 😀


Artwork by Raven

To join the Pixie Chat Hangout, you need to have a Gmail account through Google. If you don’t have one, you can sign up to get a free account here: www.gmail.com

Using your Gmail account, please email Marigold to be added. This is a sample of what the email will look like:


You can then join the chat at any time from your computer by logging into your Gmail account or by downloading the app for tablets or smart phones:


App for Hangouts

Pixies that stop by the hangout regularly include: Joy Twinklebell, Rose MorningMist, Minerva Grace, Raven Mistycloud, and Marigold Sunjewel 😉

Sapphire Iceflame was just added to the hangout today and has already dropped by to say hello:

Want to know what we’ve been chatting about? Here are some sneak peeks:



School Stuff:


Current Pixie Hollow Events:


Upcoming Pixie Stories:


Random Fun:



We hope to see you there! ❤



**Fall 2016 UPDATE**

Unfortunately, the Pixie Chat Hangout shown above is no longer available. It basically became a free-for-all where no rules were enforced and was taken over by outside parties who deleted a majority of the original members. It was a terrible shame that what was once considered a fun and safe place to meet and hangout with other pixies suddenly became a hostile and threatening environment.

My top concern is safety for my all-age readers, and since this hangout is not moderated or rated G/PG as far as language and content anymore, I am no longer a member and, thus, cannot add any new pixies. For your safety and protection, I don’t recommend joining any hangout or chat unless it has set rules and is regularly moderated.

Thank you for understanding,
♥ Marigold




13 thoughts on “Pixie Chat Hangout

    • Marigold Sunjewel says:

      I totally agree! 😉
      I keep hoping to catch you in the hangout, Rose, but we’re in such different time zones that I think we’re always on while the other is sleeping…I’ve chatted with Raven, Joy, and Sapphire so far 🙂

      • Rose MorningMist says:

        lol, yes – time zones can be infuriatingly frustrating at times :/

        I’ve spoken to Phoebe, Joy, Raven and Minerva mainly 🙂

  1. AngieXD says:

    I’m in the chat too – I’m Angie and well Crystal Airshine added me. I’ve been playing PH since I was 15 and well I love being a part of that chat ( even tho I’m apparently a LOT older than most of you). ILY GUYS.

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